Honey I Found The Blueprints!

Stacey Vyse Stacey Vyse

Before and After…

A small window into the progress that we’ve made from the chaos that existed before.

Here are some before and after pictures to showcase design, improved function and a little bit of the chaos that is this rennovation.

One of the first things we decided after assessing that we required 5 bedrooms (originally 3), what our family needed was to have a clear view from kitchen to the UFC octagon that a livingroom can tend to be with four kids and dogs.

This room was originally completely malfunctioning as either very mishapen with an offset seating area around the fireplace and a VERY small formal dining area or as an oddly long living room with wasted space near the big bay windows.

The color scheme throughout the house was described as a bit similar to a kindergarden or a rubic’s cube. Revamping the master bedroom to create a relaxing escape soon became the objective.

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